Royksopp Melody Am Rar

  1. Royksopp Melody Am Remind Me
  2. Royksopp Melody Am Rare
Real Name
  1. Is a Studio Album by Royksopp released in 2001. Listen now for free!
  2. Purchase Melody Am by Royksopp on CD online and enjoy having your favourite Dance & Electronic music delivered to you in South Africa.

Royksopp Melody Am Remind Me

Does in a way represent the tunes that were transmitted through radio waves in the 50’ies, 60’ies and 70’ies. The grainy quality that AM radio was known for provided the post-war population with modern dance tunes, and the warm melodies were received well through small transistor radios.

Torbjørn Brundtland, Svein Berge
Norwegian electronic producer duo
Their name Röyksopp, derived from Norwegian 'røyksopp', translates into English as 'puffball' or 'mushroom cloud'. This type of mushroom is notable for the misty cloud created when it releases its spores.
There is also an obvious hallucinogenic double meaning to the name. Or perhaps a reference to the plume of smoke during an atomic explosion.
Also, 'Eple' from the first album translates to English as Apple.

Royksopp Melody Am Rare

  • Svein Berge
  • Torbjørn Brundtland