Skyrim Item Placement Mod

I still think the interface of Oblivion was better than Skyrim’s. And it’s why I always find myself looking for UI mods to improve my experience in TES V.

This tutorial will take you step-by-step through the process of installing mods for Skyrim, and soon you will be gaming like the rest of us! Note that these instructions are based on Windows 7. Install Skyrim through Steam. For this tutorial we will be using the path 'C: Games Steam SteamApps common skyrim'. Skyrim Special Edition Item Placement Mods Skyrim Special Edition brought advanced support for modding with 64-bit on PC, meaning players can load up more heavy mods with fewer issues and instability. For all the mods listed in this round-up, we'll be using the Nexus platform and the Nexus Mod Manager to install them. Check Out This Mod. Skyrim is a long ways away from Elsweyr, but Raj’Dya is the closest you’ll get to feeling at home in the frozen lands of the north. This mod adds one thing, and does it well: the best player house for a Khajiit that I’ve encountered in the Skyrim modding community. Relighting Skyrim. If you have played Skyrim, or you’ve just started, you must have noticed light.

I know that many of you share the same woes as myself, so I’ve decided to compile some of my favorite user interface mods to add onto Skyrim that’ll take your game to the next level.

If you want to make your Skyrim game look better and you want your gameplay to be much more fluid, then you’ll want to take a look at these free mods. Most of them should be compatible with each other aside from obvious ones(ie. mods that do the same thing).

So be sure to install as many as you want and compare your gameplay. With enough testing you’re bound to find something in here that you love.

15. Quick Loot

If you’ve ever played Fallout 4 then you know exactly what this mod does.

It basically incorporates the quick loot system to Skyrim, which means you can simply open up a small window beside the body (or container) that you’re clicking and it’ll show you your looting options.

You can choose to take all or simply click on each individual item – it’s up to you.

The only thing that’s certain is that those tedious large pop-ups won’t be an issue anymore if you install this sucker.

Add item mod skyrim

14. Atlas Map Markers

Now this mod doesn’t allow you to place your own map markers, but it does add over 700 new map markers to all of the Skyrim maps (including all of the DLC maps).

These markers make almost every single location in the game have a marker, which makes exploring the various regions more handy than ever.

Quick traveling will no longer be an issue if you’re a savvy explorer.

13. Customizable Camera

I’m not too keen on just having a couple of camera options to use.

I mean, why wouldn’t I be able to set whichever camera settings make me feel more comfortable? I hate that man!

The Customizable Camera mod is the end to my woes, though.

It incorporates a customizable camera menu to the game, which will let you choose some really specific settings.

Set your vertical and horizontal alignment however you want, and choose which side you’d rather have the camera on. No requirement to keep it directly behind your back anymore!

12. Extended UI

Extended UI is actually an add-on to the SkyUI mod which you’ll find a bit further on my list.


It aims to further improve the UI to make the game’s menus easier to browse while also enhancing the player experience.

You’ll notice how the Extended UI adds the level, experience, and stamina bars to the skill screen, among many other cool little features.

I really suggest you get this mod with the Sky UI already installed. It just adds to the fun.

11. UIExtensions

I have to admit that this mod was originally meant to be used by modders.

But if you like to customize certain aspects of your game, the UIExtensions mod can prove to be quite useful for typical players too.

The mod allows you to select certain options that would otherwise only be possible via debug menus, like re-entering the character edit screen, or browsing the abilities of NPCs.

As I said, these things would mainly be useful for modders(obviously) but they are always cool to have in your game if you don’t mind being a bit of a cheater.

10. moreHUD

The MoreHud mod allows you to study objects on the ground before picking them up.

I mean, I know that this isn’t too useful on most occasions.

But it will allow you to decide whether to pick up an object or not without having to drop it.

That, alone makes this mod worth it.

Simply point to any object within your FOV and it’ll show a display full of information about it.

I’d advise you to combine this with the Quick Loot plugin, as they work perfectly put together. Gone are the days of opening any menus while looting. Hurrah!

9. Categorized Favorites Menu

This is the best mod out there if you’re tired of having your items completely disorganized.

And trust me, I’m real tired of it.

With the Categorized Favorites Menu you’ll have the option to put each item into different categories, which can also be divided into further categories if you wish.

The mod will permit you to properly sort items using the “favorite” option of vanilla Skyrim, but enhancing it to make everything much easier to use.

8. Unread Books Glow

As the name suggests this basically makes every book that you haven’t read “glow” (until you read it).

This is useful for skill books so you won’t open them again and unnecessarily waste time.

It’s also useful for those of you timewasters who like to read most of the books in the game, as it will show at a glance which ones you’ve already perused.

It doesn’t matter where the books are placed – they will glow as long as you have them in your field of view. A neat add-on although not totally required, but still handy nonetheless.

7. Better Message Controls

If you’re playing Skyrim on PC then you know the eternal struggle of having to click every single damn dialogue box that pops up.

This mod will save you the trouble by allowing you to scroll through options with your arrow keys and using the ‘E’ key to select an option.

A small change, but a very welcome one.

6. Better Dialogue Controls

Selecting a dialogue has always been as much of a pain in the ass as it is to pick an option when messaging.

In fact, I’d go as far as to say that dialogues are far more annoying because your mouse sometimes hovers an option that isn’t really selected.

This mod fixes the issue completely. Give it a try and see what you think.

5. A Matter of Time

A Matter of Time is a mod that fully enhances the way you perceive time in Skyrim.


You’ll have the option to open up special tools that tell you the time of the day, as well as the position of constellations and stars.

But you’ll also get a cool solar clock to go alongside it!

As if that wasn’t enough, this mod allows the game to display the time of day too, as well as the current date, on the upper left corner of the screen.

Never lose track of time again or bother opening up the “Waiting” menu to see which day it is.

4. Immersive HUD

The Immersive HUD mod, also called the iHUD mod, is a fantastic add-on compatible with the SkyUI and the “A Matter of Time” mods.

It aims to remove the HUD whenever you don’t need it, but open it automatically again when you do.

This allows you to get a better look at the scenery without having a bunch of bars interfering with it.

The mod is surprisingly well done too.

It makes Skyrim feel way more immersive thanks to the removal of the display in unnecessary situations.

I’m pretty sure you won’t be able to play the game without this mod once you’ve tried it – your screen will feel too clogged if you ever remove this bad boy.

3. RaceMenu

Warpaints and paints of all sorts now come included in the character creation menu after you’ve installed this freebie.

You’ll have the option to properly customize your character like never before, as this also includes a whole bunch of presets as well as many more sliders to fine-tune your character.

This mod allows you to create beautiful characters as well as the most demonic creatures that you can imagine, much like the character creator in The Sims. Only, Skyrim style.

2. A Quality World Map And Solstheim Map

In terms of mods that overhaul the game map, this is the best one that you’ll find.

Skyrim add item code

The creator made sure to hand-draw all of the roads in the game so you’ll have a much clearer view of where you are as soon as you pop that map open.

The map is way clearer, too. So you won’t have to deal with those annoying clouds anymore.

1. SkyUI

SkyUI is a complete overhaul of the game’s user interface, allowing you to access more options than ever.

Basically you get to see everything displayed in the clearest way possible from the get-go.

Virtually everything gets improved in the SkyUI, ranging from the item selection menus to the quick selection menus and even some parts of the game map.

It’s fully compatible with most of the other mods on this list, too, so definitely check it out if you’re looking for a one-stop shop to radically enhance Skyrim’s GUI.

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Now, we will finally begin to work with the Creation Kit to create our own items. Anyone who owns Skyrim already owns the Creation Kit. You simply need to download it through the tools section in your Steam Library. Once you have the Creation Kit installed and launched, you are ready to begin the tutorial.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a sword.

Step 1: Loading the Skyrim Master File

The easiest way to create your own items is to edit a current item. To do this, we will first load up the Skyrim master file so we can see all the items in the game.

  1. Go to File>Data…
  2. A new window should open up called “Data.”
  3. Double click on the square next to “Skyrim.esm” so that a black “x” appears. See Figure 1.
  4. Hit “OK.”
  5. After a few moments, a prompt should appear, press “Yes to all.”

Figure 1: Load the Skyrim master file so that we can base our mod off of existing items.

The Creation Kit will freeze up for a few moments as it loads the file.

Step 2: Finding the Item to Edit

Once the Creation Kit has finished loading the master file, your ‘Object Window’ should be now be populated with a huge amount of objects.

  1. In your “Object Window”, go to Items>Weapon>WEAPONS.
  2. In the “Filter” type in “ironsword”.

Near the bottom of the list, you should see “IronSword”. See Figure 2.

Figure 2: Here is where the IronSword object is located.

Step 3: Editing the Item

If you double click on the “IronSword” it will bring up the item’s object window where you can edit nearly every aspect of the weapon. However, for the purposes of this tutorial we will only be concerned with a few of these fields.

  • ID: This is the string that the game uses to identify the item in the Creation Kit.
  • Name: This is the name of the item as it will appear in-game and in menus.
  • Value: This is the base price of the item.
  • Weight: This is the base weight of the item.
  • Speed: This is the base attack speed of the weapon.
  • Damage: This is the base damage of the weapon.
  • Crit % Mult: This affects how often the weapon will score a critical strike.
  • Crit Dmg: This is how much additional damage the weapon does on a critical strike.

Figure 3 shows the ModSword object window with these fields filled out with my customized stats.

Step 4: Saving our Mod

Once you are satisfied with the stats on your weapon, you are ready to save your new mod.

  1. Hit “OK” on the item’s object window.
  2. Hit “Yes” on the prompt to create a new form for the item (unless you want to overwrite the existing item).
  3. Search for “ModSword” in the “Filter” and our new item should appear.
  4. Go to File>Save.
  5. Save our mod as “ModSword.esp”.

Now, our mod should show up in our SkyrimData folder as “ModSword.esp”.

Step 5: Loading up our Mod

Now, if we launch the Nexus Mod Manager, our mod should appear in the “Plugins” list. Simply click the check box next to your plugin to ensure that the game will load your mod. See Figure 4.

Figure 4: Our ModSword is now loaded into Skyrim's mod load order.

Finally, you are now ready to launch Skyrim and play with your new item.

In order to obtain your item simply:

Skyrim Add Item Menu Mod

  1. Load a saved game.
  2. Press the tilde (~) key to bring up the console window.
  3. Type the following exactly as it appears: help “mod sword” 4
  4. Take note of the string of letters and numbers that appears next to the name of our item.
  5. Give yourself the item by typing the console command: player.additem <ITEM ID> <NUMBER OF ITEMS>

Figure 5 shows what our weapon looks like in-game.

Skyrim Item Placement Mod

Figure 5: Our newly created (and overpowered) sword.

Skyrim All Items

Congratulations! You have successfully created your first mod!