Kenneth Jay Vo2max Kettlebell Program

  1. Kenneth Jay Vo2max Kettlebell Program Template
  2. Kenneth Jay Kettlebell
  3. Kenneth Jay Vo2max Kettlebell Program For Women

'Kenneth Jay has produced what may be the most eye-opening work on VO2max training available today. Jay begins by taking the reader through the fundamental scientific principles of top-level conditioning. His down-to-earth writing takes the abstractions of calculations and puts them into the tangibles of training.

Perhaps that view has changed over the years, but I haven't seen anything to the contrary. Jay doesn't say that he doesn't train, or doesn't advocate training, with high percentage of 1 RM. I find the lack of transparency disturbing in that regard, but in any case I find myself very mixed on Mr. This is a fantastic book on improving your Vo2max with just one kettlebell exercise. The benefits of which will translate in to other sports. Kenneth Jay provides sound scientific reasoning and research into how it works. It is not an easy program and you should master the KB snatch before attempting it.

What is Viking Warrior Conditioning?

What he says is that research clearly shows if you want to increase your VO2 max, circuit-style training isn’t the best method for anyone other than absolute beginners. I love that Jay says pretty much what I’ve been saying for years – use the right tool for the job. If you want strength, then lift weights. Today I performed 15 minutes of Kenneth Jay's VO 2 15:15 Max Protocol with a 24kg Kettlebell. Minimum 7 snatches every 15 seconds followed by 15 seconds of rest for 16 minutes for 8 minutes of actual work.

Viking Warrior Conditioning is a Kettlebell Training protocol developed by Kenneth Jay Master RKC used to develop VO2max by use of the kettlebell snatch exercise.

Kenneth Jay Vo2max Kettlebell Program Template

Kenneth has written an amazing book packed with information about VO2 max kettlebells and his step by step training system to achieve ultimate fitness with the kettlebell.
From Dragondoor
It's not often in the world of physical training that something comes along so special, so unique, and so effective that it causes a paradigm shift in how people train and think about training. Louie Simmons turned the powerlifting world upside down with his inspired reinvention of how to train the powerlift. Pavel did the same thing and more with the Russian Kettlebell Challenge. And now, Master RKC Kenneth Jay has taken the Tsar of the Kettlebell lifts—the kettlebell snatch—and created a method of training so revolutionary that it causes us to rethink everything we thought we knew about cardiovascular training and how to incorporate it into our strength and conditioning programs.
Kenneth has looked at the true meaning of cardiovascular adaptation and configured a kettlebell-training program to elicit that response for real. As I told him when we were discussing the benefits I had derived from this, 'The VO2max training delivers what circuit training only promised: real strength and cardiovascular conditioning in the same package. With NO compromises.'

Kenneth Jay Kettlebell

Check out the rest of this review at DragondoorKenneth
My name is Rob Russell and I am currently undertaking this system as part of my kettlebell training.

Kenneth Jay Vo2max Kettlebell Program For Women

I will use this blog to track my training, what effects it has and my findings using the Viking Warrior Conditioning training system.