Breaking Point Arma 2

Features[edit | edit source]

  • Over 600 more weapons added, 100 more hand guns added. etc
  • Over 20 lootable skins to find, original bandit skin re-added for bandits, Clan skins - no limit on what we can add
  • 175+ land, air & sea vehicles added, more end-game vehicles
  • New zombie models, zombie sounds, stronger zombies, more zombies.
  • More heli crash sites, loot spawns, animals. etc
  • ARMA 2 Electrical Power Grid - Can be turned on/off, can be destroyed/repaired (Lighting, Street lights, Light House lights. etc)
  • Logistics System - Tow vehicles, flip vehicles, load in gear/smaller vehicles, lift vehicles with helicopters, move objects. etc
  • Base construction elements (W.I.P)
  • Companions (Dogs)
  • Refuel your vehicles fully by parking them close to a fuel tank (one that would work with a jerry can) - saves unnecessary time spent on refueling vehicles
  • New sound effects for everything! From climbing ladders to running on surfaces to reloading & firing off weapons.
  • Remove parts from vehicles
  • Night fog/mist
  • SMK Lite animations
  • Different kinds of Tasers - brings new kinds of gameplay to DayZ
  • New and improved map, custom towns, cities, buildings, bases. etc

To be added[edit | edit source]

Breaking Point Arma 2
  • More skins/clothing, more weapons, more vehicles, more buildings, bases. etc
  • New zombies/undead - Bloodsuckers, undead hounds, night stalkers. etc
  • New radio system - communicate with other people that have radio's
  • Clan channels - talk/type to your Clan in-game over a private channel
  • Speakers around Chernarus can play messages & music - can be influenced by players on what the messages are, Players can communicate with the speakers by going to Green Mountain - Radio Tower needs to be *repaired/activated - can be destroyed/deactivated.
  • In car radio system - communicate with other players + listen to music, messages
  • TS3 Integration
  • New kinds of heli crash sites/lootable spawns, lootable Aircraft Carrier
  • Weight and tiredness system - everything has weight, determines how much you can carry / how long you can run for. Determines how much a vehicle or tent can hold
  • Sharks
  • Train
  • A.C.R.E
  • Holster sidearm
  • New player spawns
  • Eat/drink/bandage/morphine/give yourself pain killers in vehicles

Breaking Point Arma 2 Launcher

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Breaking Point Arma 2

Breaking Point Arma 2 Sys


Breaking Point Arma 3


Arma 2 Mods

Arma 3 Breaking Point? Come try our server! Posted by 3 hours ago. Arma 3 Breaking Point? Come try our server! We aim to provide a mixture of all of those games into one server. We have GOOD helicopters, base building, raiding, custom traders, humvees, custom guns, and so. Breaking Point, if you're OK with clunky updater. 1 point 5 years ago. Keep an eye out for for when it comes out. Looks very good from what i have seen so far. Level 1-2 points 5 years ago. Arma 2 Epoch is the best bro:) View entire discussion ( 6 comments).